What is sr22 insurance?
A sr22 is a certificate that is added to an insurance policy. The sr22 filing obligates the insurance company to notify DMV if the policy cancels for any reason. If your sr22 requirement has not expired the DMV will re-suspend your driver’s license once they are notified.
Who needs a sr22?
If your license has been suspended by DMV for a major violation such as DUI reckless driving or an accident with no insurance or excessive minor violations you will be required to obtain an insurance policy with a sr22 filing.
Does the sr22 requirement increase the cost of insurance?
The sr22 filing itself does not increase the premium you will pay for the policy. The policy rate is determined by your driving record, age, vehicle and where you live. Some companies may charge a small fee to file the sr22.
How long will I need a sr22?
The sr22 insurance requirement is usually a 3 year period but may vary by state to state and your circumstance.
What happens if my sr22 cancels?
Your insurance company will file a sr26 with the DMV which cancels the sr22 . If you have not finished with the sr22 requirement DMV will re-suspend your license again. If you no longer need the sr22 filing the DMV will take no action on your license.
Is having sr22 insurance considered high risk?
Needing a sr22 by itself is not necessarily considered high risk. That is determined by the actual driving record and the type and amount of violations and accidents over a 3 year period for minors and 10 years for DUI or reckless driving.
Can I take the sr22 to the DMV?
After you have signed and purchased the insurance you will receive a sr22 filing in your email that you can print and take down to your local DMV. Depending on who the clerk is behind the counter they may or may not accept the sr22. If you get a clerk that does not accept it, an electronic sr22 will also be sent to DMV but expect a wait of a few days for DMV to process it.
Are there different types of sr22?
There are five different types of policies that you can file a sr22 certificate on.
- Operator: An Operator’s Certificate is designed for drivers who borrow or rent a car, but don’t own a car. This is also known as a Named Non Owner Policy.
- Owner: An Owner’s Form is for those who own and drive their own car.
- Broadform: A policy that covers you and only you on all cars you own and follow you if you borrow others vehicles.
- Motorcycle Form Policy: Yes you can file a sr22 on a motorcycle policy and it will probably save you money compared to a auto policy
- Commercial Insurance : A policy that covers your business vehicles can also have the sr-22 filed on it.
How can I obtain a sr22?
You must purchase at least the state minimum of auto insurance with the sr22 filing attached to the policy. If you do not own a vehicle you can purchase a Named Non Owner Policy with the sr22 attached.
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Nick Harrison
Westwind Insurance
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Milpitas, CA 95035, USA